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Join our interactive meetup: "Introduction to Fable and an applied use-case using F# and FP techniques"

Join our interactive meetup: "Introduction to Fable and an applied use-case using F# and FP techniques"

Join our interactive meetup: "Introduction to Fable and an applied use-case using F# and FP techniques"

Son, February 22nd, 2019 – On Thursday 28 February, Prodrive Technologies will organize a new meetup / interactive colloquium.

Abstract / subject during this evening:

Gentle introduction to Fable: what it is, why it is awesome and the current state of the ecosystem

About Zaid: "Started my programming career as a hobbyist and got addicted to F# thanks to OSS and the awesome community. Mainly involved with building F# tools and libraries that encourage type-safety and focus on developer happiness."

Applied use-case: retrieving and manipulating warehouse packaging description using F# and nifty FP techniques by Yuriy Nii

In this session we will reproduce an actual use-case of retrieving a description of how products are packaged for shipment from a warehouse management system. The focus will be on representing and manipulating structured data using FP techniques. For a programming problem involving little more than just boxes, we will avoid code duplication in the data model using polymorphic types, introduce recursion schemes, elegantly build and transform trees and see a glimpse of why Higher-Kinded Types available in languages as Haskell and PureScript are useful.

All information regarding this meetup can be found on the following website: This website also enables you to sign up for the meetup and gives information about the location and time schedule during the evening.
