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Prodrive Technologies’ in latest Bits and Chips magazine

Prodrive Technologies’ in latest Bits and Chips magazine

Prodrive Technologies’ own line of RF Amplifiers for MRI scanners in latest Bits and Chips magazine

Son, November 20th, 2018 – LDMOS replaces conventional technology in high power RF amplifiers" is the title of the latest article in the Bits & Chips RF special of November 2018.

The addition to add RF amplifiers to the NG-series portfolio catches attention because the state of the art concept using LDMOS FETs are groundbreaking for MR applications where high power, extreme fidelity and reliability are key requirements. 

The article of Bits & Chips explains the basics of RF amplifiers in an MR application, the advantages of our amplifiers over others, and give insight in our NGToolSuite to easy connect, diagnose and perform predictive maintenance.

Curious? Read the full article here (in Dutch).
