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| 机电一体化工程师



| 机电一体化工程师

One of my daily concerns is to check the feasibility of magnetic designs. As the customer requested to change the design of our vacuum motor, I proposed to build a simulation model of the magnetic field at the outside of the vacuum motors. Because the overall field strength must remain lower than the earth magnetic field, I am analyzing whether this change will increase the magnetic field. I make sure that every effect on the field strength is taken into account in order to achieve the right predictions.

While simulations are running I meet with Ron, one of our mechanical engineers in the vacuum motor project, and Nick, our production engineer who is an expert in the potting process. We discuss on how to improve the potting tool we used to manufacture the prototypes of the vacuum motors. We have some ideas on how to make the mechanical tolerances of the motors even better, so we draw a new concept for the tool on the sketch board in the meeting room.

After a nice lunch the simulation results of the magnetic field are ready and I make a presentation out of them to show to the customer.

In the afternoon I am working on a different project. It is also an actuator for a semiconductor customer, only this is a completely different application. I like the fact that you can get a lot of different experiences in different projects.

Around 5 PM, I get on my bike and go home, another good day at Prodrive Technologies.

I like that you can get a lot of different experiences in different projects

Mechatronics engineer profile

  • 理学士,工程学或理学学士机械或机电工程

  • 熟悉3D机械设计软件-最好是Siemens NX

  • 机电系统和设计原理方面的知识

  • 对运动学和系统设计感兴趣或有经验

Pros and cons

  • Challenging projects

  • Both theoretical to practical aspects

  • Flexibility of working hours

  • A lot of responsibility

  • Freedom in work

  • Provisioning of free lunch and dinner

  • Collecting too many air miles on long airplane rides to customers in Asia



You don’t just go to work, you feel responsible for your project


You decide when, where and how much you want to work


You like to think about manufacturability when designing


You don’t sit and wait, you have a hands-on mentality

Have you got what it takes to become a Prodriver?


  • 为愿意承担项目全部责任的员工提供完美的工作环境
  • 无限的成长机会和在不同项目中担任不同角色的自由
  • 年轻且充满活力的企业文化
  • 无限制的个人预算用于培训课程、课程或学习
  • 我们全天候营业,提供午餐、晚餐和公司健身房
  • 用你自己的个人发展计划创造你的未来
  • iPhone、iPad和笔记本电脑等工具和设备
  • 随时随地工作的灵活性
  • 根据个人绩效涨薪
  • 有机会成为公司的股东和企业家
  • 根据您在浦卓的实际工作天数提供差旅津贴
  • 利润分红


  1. 我们会查看你的申请
  2. 能力倾向测验
  3. 面试
  4. offer沟通
