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Daakui 6104


| 采购经理
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| 采购经理


| 采购经理


| 采购经理

Daakui 6104


| 采购经理

It is difficult to describe a typical day as Global Category Manager at Prodrive because every day is different with different challenges and opportunities. What I can say is that my day starts with a cup of coffee.

When I started my career at Prodrive I was still a student finishing my master and at the same time working for a young and dynamic company. How many students can say that they have been doing negotiations of millions of euro’s while still finishing their master's thesis. I think that exactly defines the mentality and work ethics of Prodrive. You get a chance to take a deep dive and take responsibility over your own portfolio of suppliers.

After finishing my workday, it is so nice that Prodrive provides the facilities to do fitness. After and sometimes during work, I go to the gym for one hour to clear my head and be ready for the next opportunities that lie ahead.

How many students can say that they have been doing negotiations of millions of euro’s while still finishing their master's thesis.

Category manager profile

  • 理学学士,工学学士或理学硕士学位,技术或商务方向

  • 良好的团队合作精神,良好的沟通能力(英语能力优先)

  • 有良好的时间管理能力,能够同时处理多项任务,分清轻重缓急,按时完成任务

  • 有商业意识和良好的判断力

  • 结果驱动和分析思维

  • 良好的沟通技巧

Pros and cons

  • Attractive fringe benefits

  • Dynamic company

  • Young and passionate team members

  • Freedom to set your own strategy for your category

  • A lot for responsibility goes hand in hand with more working hours

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| 采购经理

As the current process representative for the US supply chain, my story is a unique one. I began my Prodrive Technologies career as our first ever marketing employee, and I quickly helped to establish outbound marketing activities. However, as the 2nd US employee in such a new venture, the need arose for someone to establish our local supply chain. With a strong background of business acumen and a vision for the tremendous opportunity that is Prodrive Technologies’ US headquarters, I happily took the opportunity. Now, I primarily spend each day taking another step to building and fortifying our supply chain.

My workdays typically start with alignment calls between myself and the various global category managers in the Netherlands. This allows us to align the global supply chain strategy as I work to develop our supply base in the US. Once we have defined the respective strategies, I then work with our US suppliers to source the product components for our production orders and source the ancillary materials we need to establish and run our US facility. This involves evaluating potential suppliers, negotiating pricing, managing lead times, and developing existing supplier relationships. I also work with our planning team to receive customer orders and create and adjust corresponding production orders. This all cumulates into my continuous support of the newly established US headquarters. The strong culture and workplace environment here is something that truly motivates me and creates a very rewarding and ultimately fun place to work.

Being responsible for managing the US supply chain at just 23 years old is an incredibly rewarding experience

Category manager profile

  • 理学学士,工学学士或理学硕士学位,技术或商务方向

  • 良好的团队合作精神,良好的沟通能力(英语能力优先)

  • 有良好的时间管理能力,能够同时处理多项任务,分清轻重缓急,按时完成任务

  • 有商业意识和良好的判断力

  • 结果驱动和分析思维

  • 良好的沟通技巧

Pros and cons

  • 有别于其他地方的极佳的工作经验

  • 美国总部良好的工作环境

  • 自由定义自己的策略

  • 加班工资→你越努力,挣得越多

  • 创业需要比其他工作投入更多的时间



| 采购经理

In my role as Global Category Manager I am responsible for the partnerships with Digital and Analog silicon manufacturers. These are large companies, so the challenge is to find the right ingredients to build a strong collaboration, which is needed to beat the strong competition we face in the different markets we are in. “Purchasing starts with Selling”: To get the right level of support and conditions for Prodrive, silicon manufacturers need to understand who we are as Prodrive and what our potential is. I can use 20 years of experience at Prodrive to finetune the message on our potential on Technology and Innovation, Competitiveness, Production Automation, and more.


A significant amount of my time is working together with our internal Product Programs and Development Teams. We will define the requirements and needs, and take this to the silicon-manufacturers to choose and negotiate the right components for our developments. I will use these choices to gradually grow the business with the right partners. Prodrive is giving me a responsibility and freedom to operate, which creates a challenging and motivating environment for me to work in. Due to the growing and dynamic nature of our company, my work remains interesting and rewarding.

Purchasing starts with Selling

Category manager profile

  • 理学学士,工学学士或理学硕士学位,技术或商务方向

  • 良好的团队合作精神,良好的沟通能力(英语能力优先)

  • 有良好的时间管理能力,能够同时处理多项任务,分清轻重缓急,按时完成任务

  • 有商业意识和良好的判断力

  • 结果驱动和分析思维

  • 良好的沟通技巧

Pros and cons

  • Strong collaboration with our internal Product Programs and Development Teams

  • Growing and dynamic nature of our company

  • Responsibly and freedom to operate

  • Challenging and motivating environment to work in

  • Time management is a challenge in such a hard growing company



| 采购经理

I like to start my days early with a hot cup of tea. In the morning, I go through my mailbox, release the orders from the day before and prioritize my work for the day. My schedule is very dynamic. Some days it is filled with conference calls and meetings and other days I mostly work at my desk.

When I have meetings. I prepare them before-hand and align with my colleagues when needed. Manufacturers often visit to promote their portfolio, discuss ongoing projects, discuss contracting agreements, negotiate on component packages, etc.

Prodrive Technologies aims to make their own power modules, where I am responsible for sourcing the bare dies. Together with the design team, I often have technical meetings with different manufacturers who can provide these dies to us, as well as manufacturers who can provide more knowledge about the processes of sintering, wire bonding, qualification, etc.

On other days, I am in my office following up on emails, placing orders, going through the missing parts lists or preparing RFQs for project proposals. Meanwhile, I try to improve my Dutch by practicing with my colleagues.

Before closing my laptop, I go through my to-do list and check what I have done during the day. I like to close off with an hour at the gym or a yoga class and then drive home.

Everyday challenges that lead to personal and professional growth

Category manager profile

  • 理学学士,工学学士或理学硕士学位,技术或商务方向

  • 良好的团队合作精神,良好的沟通能力(英语能力优先)

  • 有良好的时间管理能力,能够同时处理多项任务,分清轻重缓急,按时完成任务

  • 有商业意识和良好的判断力

  • 结果驱动和分析思维

  • 良好的沟通技巧

Pros and cons

  • 灵活的工作时间

  • 充满活力的年轻文化

  • 所有的附加福利(免费的午餐和晚餐,免费的健身房,无限制的学习或课程预算,管理自己的养老金等)

  • 办公室有湖景,在那里你还可以享受餐后散步



You don’t just go to work, you feel responsible for your project


You decide when, where and how much you want to work


You like to think about manufacturability when designing


You don’t sit and wait, you have a hands-on mentality

Have you got what it takes to become a Prodriver?


  • 为愿意承担项目全部责任的员工提供完美的工作环境
  • 无限的成长机会和在不同项目中担任不同角色的自由
  • 年轻且充满活力的企业文化
  • 无限制的个人预算用于培训课程、课程或学习
  • 我们全天候营业,提供午餐、晚餐和公司健身房
  • 用你自己的个人发展计划创造你的未来
  • iPhone、iPad和笔记本电脑等工具和设备
  • 随时随地工作的灵活性
  • 根据个人绩效涨薪
  • 有机会成为公司的股东和企业家
  • 根据您在浦卓的实际工作天数提供差旅津贴
  • 利润分红


  1. 我们会查看你的申请
  2. 能力倾向测验
  3. 面试
  4. offer沟通
