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About Us

Company Profile

We create technologies that are essential links in the systems which form the basis for today's and tomorrow's world. Our ambition is contributing to meaningful innovation that tackles major challenges in society.

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From design and testing to delivering high-quality products for customers, there are massive details and factors that need to be considered. Here we share the knowledge on how to apply tailored solutions to each step of the manufacturing process.

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News & Articles

Find out how we are thriving to create meaningful technologies in our latest press releases, new product developments, white papers, e-books and more.

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To keep a close contact with our customers and business partners, we attend several events to acquaint you with Prodrive Technologies’ new product developments and services. Feel free to visit us on the following exhibitions.

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Media Library

We're happy to share a wide range of photos and video footage relating to our people, products, and innovation. Journalists are invited to use this material to illustrate their reporting.

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Our 2030 sustainability strategy and ambitions harness the power of technology and our people to drive change within our company, supply chain and industry for a more sustainable and future-proof world for all.

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