Though semiconductor applications vary, they share some common pain points. High prices, long lead times, and dealing with multiple vendors for parts are all challenging. At the same time, many of these businesses lack the resource and knowledge needed to confidently update and optimize their operations.
Read More22-09-2022
Prodrive Technologies, a leading embedded computing manufacturer, will base its new line of medical edge devices on the new NVIDIA IGX platform. As part of its collaboration with NVIDIA, Prodrive Technologies is one of the first companies to introduce products based on this platform.
Read More19-09-2022
Prodrive Technologies, a global leader in electronics, software, and mechatronic solutions, has announced the appointment of Katja Pahnke to its Board of Management in the role of Chief Development Officer as of 01.11.2022.
Read More15-09-2022
Jungheinrich AG, one of the world's leading providers of intralogistics solutions explored new ways to deliver fleet management solutions. Prodrive Technologies was selected to design and manufacture the hardware for this.
Read More25-08-2022
For HVAC OEMs, selecting the right products to integrate into their HVAC equipment is essential to ensure the right balance between cost, reliability, and overall design quality. However, as buildings and workplace legislations evolve, technologies develop and behaviors change, how can OEMs adapt in the right way?
Read More25-08-2022
For HVAC OEMs, selecting the right products to integrate into their HVAC equipment is essential to ensure the right balance between cost, reliability, and energy efficiency. However, an ever-changing landscape has seen refrigerants changing, the bar for food quality and other products raised, the need for good ventilation highlighted by the COVID pandemic, and energy efficiency brought into stark relief by the current energy crisis.
With all of this in mind, how can OEMs adapt in the right way?
The SDVoE Alliance, a nonprofit consortium of technology providers collaborating to standardize the adoption of Ethernet to transport AV signals in professional AV environments, announces Prodrive Technologies, Eindhoven - The Netherlands, has joined the SDVoE Alliance as an Adopting member.
Read More16-06-2022
Computing power requirements continue to grow. At the same time, industrial applications often require smaller form factors. The latest Atlas 12th Gen Series COM express modules from Prodrive Technologies are helping to meet this need, allowing businesses to benefit from greater customization and integration options.
Read More29-05-2022
Prodrive Technologies Group B.V. (hereafter: ‘Prodrive’) realized a growth in net sales of almost 10%, to EUR 305 million in 2021. Supply chain constraints and COVID-19 related lockdowns and sickness waves limited the targeted output growth. Prodrive Technologies’ net profit came in at 10 million euro in 2021, amounting to 3.3% of net sales. Prodrive’s workforce grew from an average of 1456 in 2020 to an average of 1838 full-time-equivalent (FTE) employees in 2021. On December 31st of 2021, Prodrive Technologies employed 2077 FTE.
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