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Lecture about development of high-end gradient amplifier for MRI-scanners

Lecture about development of high-end gradient amplifier for MRI-scanners

Lecture by Joost van Straalen, electronics designer at Prodrive Technologies

Son, February 22nd, 2019 - Last week Joost van Straalen, electronics designer at Prodrive Technologies, gave an interesting lunch lecture about the development of our high-end NG2200-XP MRI Gradient Amplifier for 3.0T high field MR systems at e.t.s.v. Thor, the study association for electrical engineering students at Eindhoven University of Technology.

He gave the students an insight in the development process of such integrated power systems and how a highly stable, very predictable and accurate output is guaranteed.  The students got a quick overview of Prodrive Technologies as company and then they got challenged by some of the difficulties Joost and his team had to overcome in the development process.

For more information about our gradient amplifier please click here.

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