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Prodrive Technologies winner of William Pijnenburg Award

Prodrive Technologies winner of William Pijnenburg Award

Prodrive Technologies is proud to win the William Pijnenburg Award

Son, 4 October 2018 – On Wednesday 3 October 2018, Prodrive Technologies was named winner of the William Pijnenburg Award 2018. An achievement and award to be proud of!  This award represents the attention and investment in students and young professionals. Continuity in promotion and development of students and young professionals, and offering employment possibilities for the future.

Prodrive Technologies has been affiliated with the Brainport Industries College since the autumn of 2016. As a recognized training company, we have several years of experience in training trainee professionals.

The jury report states that students have plenty of room to discover where their talent is best expressed within the company. A full role in which their opinion matters. Working as one of the Prodrivers, with an experienced colleague at their side, makes the young professional learn fast. The passion for technology, the management of competencies and the unrepresented hierarchical structure within the company provide the breeding ground for motivation, achievements and solidarity.

To read the full article, please click here.

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